So, how do you ever become a pro at keyboarding?

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Technique Thursday, Sept 29

Today remember to demonstrate proper keyboarding technique - use correct fingers on correct keys.

Warm up!
A-Z Module

Typing Online

Learn to Type
Lesson 1 - Exercises 1-10 - complete until told to move on

Typing Lessons - 17
  • Begin with Drill 1 - if you complete the drill - key until told to move to next drill
  • Key each line twice, then start again
Peter's Online Lesson
  • Complete lessons 1-9 - until told to move on

LATER when told to so go to


Woo Woo Woo - it's Tuesday, Sept. 27

Please go to New Typing and choose a typing game - for warm up.  Be sure to demonstrate proper keyboarding technique.

Please go to WordGames

Please complete lessons 1-7 - twice.

Please complete lessons 1-17

Please go to A-Z to make sure that you know which fingers go with what keys! Have fun.

Friday - YEAH!!!

For 15 minutes - keyboarding games - please stay quiet.  No text twist.


Play virtual drums by clicking the corresponding keys.  Choose from various drum sets! Have fun!

Have fun making music with these virtual keyboards!

Zebra Keys
Virtual Keyboard

Wednesday, September 21

Today you will be on a schedule.  Please follow the time line.  The sub will tell you when to go back to the blog to switch to the next website.  Even if you are in the middle of a lesson or game, you must stop immediately and switch to the next website.  KEEP SOUND ON MUTE!

Reminder:  Keyboarding Technique
Be sure to demonstrate proper keyboarding technique:  Correct fingers, elbows above the table - you may have to raise your chair, feet flat on the floor, sit up straight.  Talking should be kept at a minimal, if any at all.  Thanks!

The substitute will tell you when to change - do not move on until told to do so.

Today's Schedule: 

2:10 - 2:30   Peter's Online Typing Course
  • Complete lessons: 1-9
2:30 - 2:50   Byte Back Typing
  • Complete lessons 1-10
2:50 - 3:00   Typing to Music
  • Complete lessons 1-7

Monday, Sept. 19

Today you will be on a schedule.  Please follow the time line.  The sub will tell you when to go back to the blog to switch to the next website.  Even if you are in the middle of a lesson or game, you must stop immediately and switch to the next website.  KEEP SOUND ON MUTE!

Reminder:  Keyboarding Technique
Be sure to demonstrate proper keyboarding technique:  Correct fingers, elbows above the table - you may have to raise your chair, feet flat on the floor, sit up straight.  Talking should be kept at a minimal, if any at all.  Thanks!

The substitute will tell you when to change - do not move on until told to do so.

Today's Schedule:

1:45 - 2:00     Free Typing

  • Complete lessons 10-17

2:00 - 2:15  Type Online
  • Complete Lesson 3 - Exercises 1-10
2:15 - 2:25   Type the Letter
  • Key the letter that appears.  The timing on it is set for 30 seconds, however you can change it to 1 minute if you would like - refer to right hand side. 
    • Practice All Letters
    • Practice Vowels
2:25 - 2:35  Duck Dance Game or Keyboard Triathlon

2:35 - 2:45    A-Z
  • Complete several times until sub says to move on.
2:45 - 3:00  Space Invaders Game or Frogs are off their Diet

Thursday, September 15

Today you will be on a schedule.  Please follow the time line.  The sub will tell you when to go back to the blog to switch to the next website.  Even if you are in the middle of a lesson or game, you must stop immediately and switch to the next website.  KEEP SOUND ON MUTE!

Reminder:  Keyboarding Technique
Be sure to demonstrate proper keyboarding technique:  Correct fingers, elbows above the table - you may have to raise your chair, feet flat on the floor, sit up straight. 

The substitute will tell you when to change - do not move on until told to do so.

Today's Schedule:

1:45 - 2:00     Nimble Fingers - click here or click the links below!
Click   Beginning Keys
Click   Intermediate Keys
Click   Advanced Keys
Click   Flash Cards - Practice four letter words.
Click   Flash Cards - Practice U.S. States. 
2:00 - 2:15  Type Online
  • Complete Lesson 3 - Exercises 1-10
2:15 - 2:25   Type the Letter
  • Key the letter that appears.  The timing on it is set for 30 seconds, however you can change it to 1 minute if you would like - refer to right hand side. 
    • Practice All Letters
    • Practice Vowels
2:25 - 2:35
--you chose the game(s) on this website--

2:35 - 2:45    Brick Game

2:45 - 3:00 Keybr

Tuesday, September 13

Today you will be on a schedule.  Please follow the time line.  I will tell you when to go back to the blog to switch to the next website.  Even if you are in the middle of a lesson or game, you must stop immediately and switch to the next website.  KEEP SOUND ON MUTE!

Reminder:  Keyboarding Technique
Be sure to demonstrate proper keyboarding technique:  Correct fingers, elbows above the table - you may have to raise your chair, feet flat on the floor, sit up straight.  Talking should be kept at a minimal, if any at all.  Thanks!

I will tell you when to change - do not move on until told to do so.

1:40 - 1:55    Lesson 1
  • Complete lessons 1 - 10

2:00 - 2:15  Label the Keyboard

2:15 - 2:25   Type the Letter

2:25 - 3:50   Typing Web

3:50 - 3:00   Symbaloo Keyboarding Game of Choice - NO TEXT TWIST

Friday, September 9

Go to Symbaloo and go to the Keyboarding page.  Play keyboarding games until told otherwise.  Remember to use proper technique - sitting and key strokes.

Wednesday, September 7

Today you will continue to practice the keys.  Focus and demonstrate proper keyboarding technique.

Please go to Free Typing and complete lessons only.

Please go to Type On Line complete lesson 2 - exercises 1-10

Please go to A-Z - complete 10 times

Please go to Type the Letter

Friday, Sept. 2

Please practice on the following lessons:
Lessons:  10, 11, 12, 13 - twice

Peter's Online Typing
Lessons:  6, 7, 9

Update Symbaloo - add your favorites - change your wall paper - explore

Games and Lessons - 2:30
Visit this symbaloo web mix below - add it to your symbaloo account.
Keyboarding Symbaloo Fun

Once added - explore this web mix.